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Follow this link to a world timeline that starts at 5000BC.
North American settlements that could possibly relate to my genealogy.
Spanish settlement at St. Augustine, Florida established in 1565 The French established a colony in what would become Canada in 1599
The English colonization of the US and Canada didn't begin until the first sucessful colony in May 6, 1607 at Jamestown, in what would become Virginia. The first permenant settlement was when the Puritans came to New England and settled at Plymouth Rock Massachusetts, in December 26, 1620. Prior to this the only European inhabitants in Canada and the US were traders and early explorers. The Dutch and others came to New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware in 1624.
Around 1650 the English started sending their undesirables. The English stopped this practice in America just prior to the Revolutionary War, but they continued on well into the 1900s with these individuals ending up in Australia and New Zealand. This practice continues even today. Castro opened the Cuban prisons and sent his "undesirable" people to Florida, in the late 1900s. Many of these people were considered trouble makers because of their political beliefs.
The French Huguenots started to arrive in Virginia in 1691. In 1745 the Scottish found themselves on the losing end again and many were forced out of Scotland, this was refered to as the Scottish Clearances.
Immigration gradually increased until the American Revolution of 1775-1783. Then the rate increased sharply, reaching its peak in the second half of the 1800s, with over 20 million people crossing the Atlantic to carve out a new existance in the North America.
There were many reasons for immigrating but most often people left because of economic conditions and/or religious persecution, remember that these same people then displayed no tolerance for other religions in their new homeland. The puritans placed a bounty on the heads of any Quakers seen east of some boundry.
I am finding a few Revolutionary War veterens hidden in the background. Heinrich ARNER, William BOWEN , Eliphalet GORDON , Isaac HARRIS , Johann Peter LOESCH(LISH) , his father, Johann Balthazar LOESCH , Israel OLMSTEAD.
I have uploaded my "complete" GedCom at both of these sites. GenCircles.com and RootsWeb.com.
Toni Norman's web page has a few ancestors in common with my mothers family.
You can visit Joseph Erner's, *RNER Genealogy web page also.
I have removed many of these pages, from the index. I can not do justice to all of them. I am probably going to maintain the ones that have given me the most trouble, brickwalls etc. I have not been able to work on these pages in the last year, as of 06/16/05.